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P.S. I wonder how many fireflies tsParticles released in our backyard?

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Get inspired and motivated with the latest collection of inspirational and motivational quotes images and videos. These quotes will uplift your spirits and help you stay focused on your goals will full positivity. Feel free to share this with your friends and on your favorite social media sites.

Days that Flew Fast Wondering What Made Everything Apart


The times we had the most mistakes.
Yet felt proud from all the consequences.
The nights we found the rarest laughs.
That sparked an oath to love what we have.

Those days just flew fast
wondering wha…

Your Heart Becomes Dull When You Only Choose to Look

Your heart becomes dull
when your cheap eyes
only choose to look
at the most beautiful colors.

When your curious ears
only listens to the loudest laughs.

And your hurtful tongue only praises
the highest a…

Run Wild Filled With Hope or Buried Under the Tomb

Want to talk?
I’m fine. It will be over soon.
I know we’ll have our chance to bloom.
Free ourselves in this cold dark room.
Leave the pain, wear a new costume.

Run wild filled with hope or buried under the…

It's Easy to Forget Faith When We are Wounded

It’s easy to forget faith
when we are wounded.
Chooses to blame
rather than calculate what’s been evaded.
We cry and lock ourselves from
being persuaded.
Began wearing fake laugh
instead of acceptin…

Walking with no Hope yet Forbidden to Quit

Who am I?
I am you. The one waking up, 
wishing it was still midnight. 
One who always felt not enough.
Drowned in questions. Felt trapped inside.

Most likely wishing I shouldn’t have woken up.

A Moment Without Sadness and Unwanted Tears

What do you long for?

Daydreams, that would never exist.
Conversations wished to rehear.
Warm hugs that I considered gifts.
Laughs that would never reappear.

A moment without sadness
and unwanted tears.

Choose to Live with a Positive View

Choose to live with
a positive view,
blur negativity
that hurts you.

In Life You Should Never Calculate Your Negatives

To remain positive in life,
it's important not to calculate
your negatives.
Negative multiply by negative
equals positive
should only be applied in arithmetic.

Choose to Start with a Good Laugh Watching Everything Bloom

Choose to start with a good laugh
while watching everything bloom.
It is a rebirth, a positive choreograph.
Dance and soak to its addicting perfume.

Each smile tends to fool negativity.
Forcing us to grow, to spring f…

Kita ba ng Tao ang Sugat ng Mundo?

Kita ba ng tao ang sugat ng mundo?
O parang hanging pansin lang pag namaho.
Tulad din ng kamay mong pagod na't hapo.
Ngunit pera lang ang inimis ng garbo.