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P.S. I wonder how many fireflies tsParticles released in our backyard?

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Get inspired and motivated with the latest collection of inspirational and motivational quotes images and videos. These quotes will uplift your spirits and help you stay focused on your goals will full positivity. Feel free to share this with your friends and on your favorite social media sites.

To Those Who Feel Stressed and Struggling To Keep Up

To those who feel stressed
and struggling to keep up with life.
So that we can recuperate
and regain the courage to face
our journey again.

One Life's Freebie is Reminiscing Memories With Friends

Life still has a lot of freebies,
one of which is
reminiscing happy memories
with true friends.

1 Peter 4:8 Bible Quotes Images For You

And above all things
be earnest in your love
among yourselves,
for love covers a multitude of sins.

Don't Hate Yourself For Embracing What You Really Are

Don't hate yourself
for embracing what you really are
and doing things you can't control.
Because everyone can be a cold rain
that saddens someone's mood,
yet for others, we are gifts that
refreshes their souls.

Welcoming February! Start by Saying Goodbye To The Cold

Let's start by saying goodbye to the cold.
Because we trust that love will warm our hearts.
At the time red will change from anger to joy.
Redeem the lone ego, that once fell apart.

Whether we sulk or we celebrate.

People Should Learn To Love Not Just To Live

People should learn
to LOVE,
not just to live.