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P.S. I wonder how many fireflies tsParticles released in our backyard?

30 Nature Quotes: Appreciating the Beauty of Mother Earth

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Explore a collection of inspiring nature quotes that remind us to appreciate the beauty of Mother Earth. These quotes will uplift and inspire your love for the natural world.

Find inspiration and reconnect with the beauty of the natural world with these meaningful nature quotes. Explore our collection of quotes that capture the essence and wonder of nature.

Nature Quotes That Inspire Us To Enjoy Environment

Discover inspiring nature quotes that will encourage you to appreciate and protect our environment. These quotes will remind you of the beauty and importance of nature in our lives. Cherish the environment with these beautiful nature quotes. Ignite a passion for the environment and be encourage to appreciate the beauty of nature.

Inspirational Quotes & Images of Breathtaking Sceneries

Get inspired by stunning landscapes and motivational quotes with our collection of breathtaking scenery images. These images will take your breath away and uplift your spirits. Explore nature's beauty and find motivation in our hand-picked selection of quotes and visuals. Get inspired and uplifted by the beauty of nature through this visual and motivational experience.

Cute Quotes To Celebrate Nature's Peaceful Beauty

Celebrate the serene and beautiful aspects of nature with these cute quotes that capture the peaceful beauty of the natural world. Discover uplifting and inspiring words to appreciate the wonders of nature. Find inspiration and appreciation for the world around us. These quotes serve as a reminder of the harmony and tranquility that Mother Nature's gives.

Don't forget to like and share your favorite quotes on your favorite social media sites. For comments and feedbacks, you can send your comments here or follow us @quotetastrophe.

Good Thing Smartphones are Smart Enough

Good thing smartphones are SMART
ENOUGH to capture nature's beauty.
In contrast to those people who don't have the
intention to PRESERVE it.

We All Need A Place That Breathes Life

We all need a place that
breathes life and provides
comfort. That's why God
created Love and Nature.

Progress Without Caring For The Good

Progress without caring for
the good of the environment.
Is more like achieving goals
while abandoning our parent.

God is The Greatest Painter

GOD is the greatest PAINTER.
And some HUMANS act like

Flowers Don't Last Long

Flowers don't last long.
But it leaves great memories.
Just like love when it's well nurtured.
Patiently kept, carefully treasured.

Be Wild and Cheery as the Clouds

Be wild and cheery
as the clouds.
Yet deep and mysterious
like the sea.

Before Mankind Nature Flourished

Before mankind,
nature flourished
in God's hands.
Now, keep in mind.
The responsibility,
an unspoken rule
we must understand.

Imagine This Scorching Heat

Imagine this scorching heat
in the comfort of your shelter.
Imagine wishing for a
cool breeze from a polluted air.
Imagine no more.
What your experiencing will be
left for the future.
Yet you still don't care.…

It Is Not That Expensive to Invest In Nature

It is not that expensive to
We just need to be unselfish.
Mature enough to know our

The World is Changing Negatively

The world is changing NEGATIVELY,
yet we feel complacent.
How can the FUTURE, live happily
when we're the one being a NUISANCE.